Points in Focus Photography

2011 Independence Day fireworks display put on by the Fort Lauderdale Yacht Club.


Go Discovery!

The Space Shuttle Discovery lifts off from Kennedy Space Center on it’s final flight moments before it’s launch window expires.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all. We hope your holiday season is bright, safe, warm, filled with friends and family, and lets be honest, that Ole St. Nick brought you something nice.

Solstice Eclipse

Progression of the first total lunar eclipse on the winter solstice in almost 400 years.

Red-shoulder Hawk

A Red-shouldered Hawk stares down from it’s perch.

Kicking off bird season 2010-2011, a Pied-billed Grebe in the water on a cold–for South Florida at least–morning.

I can tell when the bird season is starting to get started again when the Cattle Egrets are back in the yard foraging.

A juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron forages in the surf alongside the break-water at the Hillsboro inlet.

Returning to Port

The first of the Hillsboro drift fishing fleet returns to it’s port though the Hillsboro inlet.

Hillsboro Light

Hillsboro inlet lighthouse, in the late afternoon light.

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