Points in Focus Photography

Canon EOS M3: Podcast Ep 7

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Canon’s EOS M3 is not a new camera, at this point it’s a year and a half old, but it is new to me. These are my thoughts on my first impressions with the camera. I’ve only had one for a couple of days now, so this isn’t a detailed review. That said, my early impressions are that I really like this camera.

Show Notes

Rear Button Focus Correction

I have to make one major correction to what I said in the podcast. In the podcast, I asserted that the M3 couldn’t be set to decouple the AF from the shutter release. I was incorrect about that; though I would reiterate I had the camera for less than 3 days when I recorded the pod cast so I was, and still am, trying to get to grips with what all the settings mean.

In fact, you can decouple the AF from the shutter release. What threw me is that the menu options are presented differently and I wasn’t entirely clear on what was being expressed.

On the M3 the option covers both the shutter release and exposure lock (*) buttons, not them independently. The two options are:

  • AF/AE Lock
  • AE/AF, no AE lock

The slash denotes which function applies to the shutter release and which applies to the exposure lock button.

In many ways this is similar to the menu option available on older Canon DSLRs like the 40D, and 1D mark III, and not the individually programmable option sets on the 5D mark III that I’m most use to.


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