Points in Focus Photography

Lighting Color and the Forward March of Progress

Over the last couple of years, many countries have been moving outlaw traditional incandescent light sources as inefficient to be replaced by LED and CFL sources. From a basic lighting needs these source largely serve their purpose. The human mind is a wonderful manipulator of perceived color even when the spectra of the source is discontinuous. Unfortunately, cameras be them digital or film aren’t eyes, and don’t have a marvelous brain behind them to munge things into perspective.\

The Academy of Motion Picture Ars and Sciences has been studying the problem as it effects cinematographers (and photographers), their work can be found here. It’s well wroth going though the entirety of the presentation videos, even if critical accurate color rendition isn’t a necessity in your work.

If there’s one thing I’d draw some attention to. The CRI used to indicate how “good” a CFL lamp is, is calibrated for the human eye, not the camera. A high CRI lamp will likely look very much like the incandescent/black-body source it’s trying to mimic; but that’s no guarantee that the camera will see things the same way.

Food for thought at least.

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